

List of persons who have experienced Ayurveda from our doctors

Name :Robin S Edwards

Country :Australia

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Treated for Multiple Sclerosis




Comments :
I was suffering a lot with severe fatigue, unsteadiness of movements, urinary incontinence and pins & needles on my body, my condition was getting worse day by day .Iam feeling much better after the one month Ayurvedic treatment. I am a new person now.


Name :Vasudevan M.C.

Country : India

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Treated for : Psoriasis




Comments :
I am lucky that I met Dr Jayaprakash Narayan at right time. He was able to cure my disease completely with the wonder effects of Ayurveda and Yoga.

Name :Jun yagi

Country : Japan

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Treated for : IVDP, Sciatica




Comments :
I was not able even to walk straight. With the ten days Ayurvedic treatment I am free from the pain killing tablets.


Name :Kevin

Country : England

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Treated for : Peptic Ulcer




Comments :
I was suffering from hyper acidity and peptic ulcer for which I have taken many allopathic treatments with which pain was gradually increasing and I could not digest food also.  As soon as I started the ayurvedic medicines from  Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan I am back to normal.

Name :Joseph

Country : USA

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Treated for : AIDS




Comments :
Its unbeleiveble that my T-lymphocyte count is normal now & the viral load reduced to half. Thanks for Ayurveda.


Name : S.M.Srikantha.
Country : England

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Treated for : Hyper tension




Comments :
"Within a short period of time I have benefited from      
Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan’s Ayurvedic treatment for high blood pressure; without any side effects; which allopathic treatments tend to produce. Ayurveda goes to the root cause of the illness, and benefits in a holistic manner giving me an invigourating health and stamina."

Name :Jhumur Majumder

Country : India

Address :
Jhumur Majumder
c/o Rajat Majumder, IGP Railways, WB,
12, Belvedere Road,
Calcutta 700 027


Treated for : Hyper tension




Comments :
"I am a chronic patient of high blood pressure 110/180. My the massages at Kovalam under Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan's directions my BP came down to 90 / 130. It was a new experience.".