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Personal Details

Name :
Age :
Sex :
Address for Communication
Address1 : Fax:
  : E-mail:
City  : Emergency Contact:
Country : Occupation:
Pin Code : Phone(including mobile):

Please carefully answer the following data to enable us to put together a syllabus structure most suitable to your interests.

Qualification Details

schoolcertificationDiplomaGraduatePost Graduate
School :
Certification :
Diploma :
Graduation :
Post Graduate :
Doctorate :
Proficiency in English
Knowledge of biological subjects
Have you read any books on Ayurveda ?
Give the Book name and Authors Name
Have you completed any course on Ayurveda ?
Give Details
What inspired you to study Ayurveda ?(Give maximum details to enable us to make the right structure)

How did you come to know about these programs ?
WebsiteFriendsPrevious StudentsColleaguesOthers
Would you  like to select one or more of these following topics ? 
Select the maximum of five topics you are interested in.
1. Glossary of Sanskrit terms used in Ayurveda. 2.Darsanam
3.Ayurveda Ithihasam (History)
4.Fundamental principles of Ayurveda 5.Sareera vignanam (Anatomy & Physiology
7.Dravya Guna Vignanam (Pharmacology) 8.Bhaishajya Kalpana (Pharmaceautics) 9.Rasa Sasthram (use of metals & minerals)
10.Roga Nidana
11.Kaya Chikitsa
(General medicine)
12.Pancha Karma (Purification therapy)
13.Special treatment
(Ayurveda massage)
15.Manasika chikitsa (Psychiatry)
16.Salakya thantram
(Diseases of head and neck) 
17.Salya thantram (Surgery)   18.Koumara bhrithyam (Pediatrics )
19.Agada thantram
20.Prasoothi thantram 
(Gynaecology and Obstetrics )

21.Rasayana chikitsa
(Rejuvenation Therapy)
22.Vajeekarana chikitsa
(Aphrodisiac therapy)
Do you wish to learn any specific topic in detail other than the above options ?
Give Details
Would  you like to go for a basic course / advanced course ?
What type of teaching do you prefer ?
Direct instruction in our center in BangaloreCoaching through internet
Mention the duration of the course you prefer ?( 1 week to 6 months )
If direct instruction in Bangalore is preferred ,do you need any accommodation ?
Do you require any other details ?